Z. Tzounidou, M. Tzafeta
Survey engineering: N. Tzafetas
Structural engineering: C. Hatzopoulos
The 6500m2 site is located in Kipselochori, which is part of the Thessalian meadow, the beacon of agricultural activity in Greece. The 100m2 farmhouse is part of a bigger agricultural facility, a complex that functions as a whole. The program requirements is comprised not only by the dwelling and storage needs, but also by a series of social events and workshop activities, all connected to the agricultural life and gastronomy.

The 1000m2 new building contains the complete programmatic layout and generates a clear distinction between outdoor and indoor space. The idea of a continuous canopy cover which links all functions derives from the extrusion of the typical rural appearance that characterizes agricultural buildings in Greece. A critical element of this specific arrangement is the integration of an uninterrupted semi-covered circulation.

The shape and placement of the distinctive volume takes advantage of the optimal orientation for every use, embraces the topography and enables alternative views to the far mountains and nearby hills. The distribution of the spatial unities follows a concept with various degrees of privacy and accessibility. Therefore, the three distinctive parts of the building contain three functions: meet up and workshop area, dwelling and agricultural facilities.

The volume adjacent to the street, next to the entrance, comprises the public facet of the complex, a green house winter garden enables the hosting of events and common activities. Next to it, as the “heart” of the project, the dwelling finds its place functionally and symbolically in the centre of the site, in the core of the whole unity, representing the container of life in the development.

The dwelling is outlined by a dynamic clear volume that exceeds the solid schema of the canopy, a tribute to the traditional watchtowers that could be easily found in the surrounding area. Finally, the amenities that are vital for the rural activities occupy the third volume of the structure. Thus, an additional semi-public facet adjacent to the second street is created, also accessible by a separate entrance.

Social capacitor, life container, agricultural core are the features that compose a concept for a multisided rural development. The design intention is to challenge the conventional farmhouse paradigm, yet keeping the archetypical characteristics of the agricultural buildings.

photos by C:T