M. Tzafeta, Z. Tzounidou
Structural engineering: C. Hatzopoulos, D. Silivridis, A. Sakellaris
Mechanical engineering: M. Agapakis, Y. Champsas
Survey engineering: N. Tzafetas
The building in Psychico was constructed in three consecutive phases, from the 50’s and through the 80’s without certain coherence in its constructive system or architectural design. The aim of the study was, on the one hand the reinforcement of the load bearing structure, on the other hand the remodeling of its interior spaces and faces.

The solution chosen combines both purposes, proposing four outer reinforcement walls of fare-faced concrete, which, besides their structural role, largely define the aesthetic outcome of the building’s form but also offer the possibility of a free interior configuration.

At the same time, many of the preexisting distinctive features of the building are further preserved and highlighted. For instance, the cyclical balconies are now supported by concentric cyclical walls with curved glass panels, while the removal of plaster within the ground-floor spaces makes the bearing stonework visible.

Ultimately, a series of passive and active energy efficient systems is proposed, such as vertical awnings, sun-blinds, heat pumps, under floor heating, external thermal insulation, triple glazing energy glass panes and solar collectors that also optimize the thermal comfort within the building’s spaces.

photos by G. Sfakianakis except otherwise mentioned